Who Is Addison Graphics Ltd.?
Addison Graphics Ltd. is a consulting company representing Peter Addison and his associates in Marketing Information systems.
We are located at White Rock, in the vicinity of Vancouver British Columbia Canada.
OK, so what does Addison do?
Addison Graphics Ltd. provides marketing information systems support including creative consulting, electronic design, and marketing systems such as direct mail marketing support.
Addison I.T., a division of Addison Graphics Ltd., provides custom and packaged software solutions, and computer systems support. Click Here for more information on Software Services.
Co-Publishing, a division of Addison Graphics Ltd. provides publishing support for commerical and Literary printed works and web publishing. Form more information, contact us or Click Here.
Addison Graphics was established in 1978 in White Rock BC as a commercial printing company performing design and print for communications, marketing and management systems.
After the sale of commercial printing services in 1999, Owner Peter Addison began focusing on the new medium for corportate image: the Internet. Website Design is becoming the primary focus of advertising for many clients, and the team at Addison Graphics brings to the table decades of experience with design, marketing and computing.
Addison Graphics Ltd. also remains involved in Print Media with design, marketing and publishing services.
Addison Graphics Ltd. is the parent company for Addison Information Technology, and Co-Publishing. Addison Graphics handles design and marketing related projects, providing services for World Wide Web and printed media. Between 1999 and 2006 these services were provided through Digital Design Inc. The Digital Design brand has been absorbed by Addison Graphics Ltd.
What is this website intended to do?
This website is intended to give you basic information about Addison Graphics and its' subsidiary companies, and the services that we can provide for you.
How can I find out more?
We would be delighted to discuss your business needs in person or on the phone! Please contact us at your convenience! Since you're here, there is lots of information nestled on these pages.