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Addison Graphics Ltd. develops marketing and information systems using Website interfaces.

Addison typically gets involved in website information systems at a very early stage. Most clients know only that "they want a website". Addison is uniquely qualified to create the entire site from that stage of non-existence.

Our breadth of technical knowledge helps us build stable, intuitive websites that work well under a wide variety of the varying circumstances occurring with your viewers.

Our services may include:

  • Understanding how a business currently markets it's products and services
  • Determining what the website should do
  • Deciding which information should be displayed
  • Gathering information and images
  • Designing colour schemes & layout
  • Creative Writing to take information from an interview and/or point-form information
  • Creative artwork and freehand illustration
  • Hosting and other Internet services
  • Creating an operational live system of information

Website and Email Hosting

Addison Online offers fully managed full-service website hosting with email POP and Webmail services included. Prices start at $150 Cdn per annum. Contact us for more details. Our websites are hosted on commercial, redundant servers located on Internet backbone locations for high reliability and up-time.

Sample Links

Please keep in mind that the following links may not be currently maintained by Addison Graphics, and may contain alterations or errors that were not part of the original design

Cliff Annable

On Grieving (blog regarding the loss of a child written by P Addison)

Nahanni Manufacturing

Moby Dick Restaurant

Dr. Judith Adelman

Tree House Design